Friday, 14 August 2020

PHILAVIRTU - 2020, National Virtual Philatelic Exhibition


National Virtual Philatelic Exhibition with International participation
Organized by International Collectors’ Society of Rare Items, Pune under the Patronage of Philatelic Congress of India (PCI) for promotion of philately

About Exhibition

PHILAVIRTU - 2020, National Virtual Philatelic Exhibition with International participation will be held from 10th to 18th October 2020.

The exhibition is being organized by International Collectors’ Society of Rare Items, Pune under the Patronage of Philatelic Congress of India (PCI) for promotion of philately.

It will provide an opportunity for philatelists to participate in the first ever International Virtual Exhibition featuring exhibits exclusively on all aspects of India and Indian states philately and thematic exhibits on any them including Indian theme. PHILAVIRTU - 2020 will be open to four categories of exhibits (Competitive Class, Championship Class, Invitee Class and Court of Honour). The exhibition will be judged based on the rules and regulations of FIP.

Exhibition Highlights

·         National Virtual Philatelic Exhibition with International participation

·         Taking philatelic exhibition into the next generation

·         Global reach, unlimited visitors

·         Stay home & stay safe while enjoying the king of hobbies & the hobby of kings

·         Visitors entry via virtual lobby

·         Interactive dealer stands

·         Auditorium

·         Over 600 frames of competitive exhibits

·         User friendly access to exhibits

·         “Court of Honor” showcasing world-class exhibits

·         International jurors

·         Live & recorded webinars

·         Digital exhibition souvenir

·         Live auctions

·         Youth activities

·         Live inauguration 

·         Release of special cover

·         Cultural events

·         Free entry for visitors

·         Open 24/7

·         Wide publicity on social media platforms

For more details visit:

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